Q: How can I order one of Lucas Burnley’s Signature Knives?
A: Each signature knife is hand built by Lucas in his shop in Orleans, Massachusetts. As such, output and availability are extremely limited, and Lucas does not take orders. Additionally, Lucas has never made his custom knives available for purchase via website. Lucas’ hand-built knives are sold primarily via lottery at various knife shows throughout the year and in the Burnley Knives (private) Facebook community from time to time. To find out more and stay up to date with show schedules, sales, and general information, please sign up for our newsletter!
Q: What is the difference between the Burnley and BRNLY logos?
A: All of Luc’s hand-built knives are logoed with “Burnley.” “BRNLY” is our brand logo that is used for everything else: Limited production knives, pocket tools, Cypops, apparel, etc.
Q: What are the Burnley Brawlers and how can I join?
A: The Brawlers started off as a Burnley Knives user group on the USN forum but is now managed through our website. Members have access to special products, logoed gear, and a separate lottery at shows. Membership is limited and opened up at certain points throughout the year.
Q: What is a Cypop and how can I order one?
A: The Cypop is a lot of things to different people: a worry stone, a challenge coin, pocket jewelry. But, mostly it’s a bottle opener. To read more about the Cypop and the Cypop Contra, check out this blog post. In order to try and keep things fair, we do not take orders for Cypops. However, we try to make a run of Cypops available monthly--either on our website or in the Burnley Knives Facebook Community. Cypops can also be purchased first come, first served at shows.
Q: How will I know when Cypops are available?
A: Most of the time, when we plan a drop of Cypops on the website, we send out a newsletter in advance. However, because of demand, the newsletter often drives a lot of people to the website at once, and we know that people still miss out. So, we try to mix things up and try to allow some new people to get their first Cypop. Sometimes we’ll do a drop on the website without letting anyone know in advance, sometimes we’ll do a lottery in the Burnley Knives Facebook Community Group.
Q: I got a Cypop! Can you customize it for me?
A: Cypops purchased on the website, at a show, or on the secondary market cannot be modified with special finishes, stamped, or engraved. The main reason for this is because those Cypops are considered “finished” products. Any additions after the fact run the risk of damaging your Cypop at that point.
Q: Can you provide replacement cards for custom knives? What about Cypops and Pollys?
A: We are happy to provide replacement cards for custom knives. Unfortunately, because of demand and the higher rate of after-market modifications (when compared with custom knives), we do not provide replacement cards for Cypops or Pollys at this time.
Q: What is the Burnley Knives (private) Facebook group?
A: This FB group was started several years and has grown to an awesome community of over 7,500 Burnley fans. We love new members! Please keep in mind that this is a tight-knit community. When you’re added, we strongly suggest that you read the pinned notice before making your first post.
Q: What is the Cypop for Tots fundraiser?
A: It’s the most wonderful time of the year! In early December we run our annual 24-hour fundraiser benefiting Marine Toys for Tots. Basically, we run a big Cypop raffle, and then with the money that we raise, we go out and buy a TON of toys for Marine Toys for Tots. It’s so much fun for everyone involved. We’ll send out a newsletter with more information as we get closer to the date.
Q: Can I use your logo(s)?
A: At this point, we are not allowing the use of our logos for anything that we’re not producing or selling directly. Fan art is still fine. An example of what we consider “fan art” might be an original artwork that is inspired by our logos--basically rendered in such a way that it wouldn’t confuse people as to whether it was created and sold by us.
Q: Do you offer a “spa” service for my custom knife?
A: Although lots of makers offer spa services for their knives, it is not something that Luc has ever offered. His personal feeling is that knives are meant to be used--the knicks, scrapes, and patinas are all part of the natural life cycle of a knife. At this point, we also do not offer sharpening because, quite frankly, when Luc sharpens your knife on one of his belts, it removes more material and puts undue wear and tear on the blade. Luc recommends the Spyderco Sharpmaker for keeping your blade sharp. However, if the knife is malfunctioning or something needs attention, we’ll get you squared away. When in doubt, please reach out to us--we’re happy to talk with you.
Q: Who should I contact about issues I’m having with a CRKT, Boker, or MKM knife that you designed?
A: We love the companies we work with and their customer service is great. Please contact the manufacturer directly for any issues you’re having. Links to companies provided above. For MKM knives, please contact the retailer.
Q: How soon will my order ship?
A: Orders typically ship within a week. If you need to receive your package sooner, shoot us an email.